SOCI 1002H Study Guide - Final Guide: The Hidden Curriculum, Meritocracy, Living Wage

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Sociology exam: describe how work has changed over the past several decades (10 points) In the early 20th century scieniic management, or taylorism was developed with the goal of increasing managerial control over the workers that would lead to maximizing worker output. Fordism marks a ime of capitalist development that focused on intensive producion, maximum use of machinery, and complex divisions of labour, these developments were combined with higher wages for workers that would allow them to buy the products. Ater world war ii the economy expanded rapidly creaing more public sector jobs, also an increasing number of jobs were unionized and had reasonable job security along with good wages. Post-fordism began when, because of changes in the economy, there was a shit away from fordism, there was an increased demand for more lexible forms of work, and post-fordism is centred on new informaion-based technologies.