SOCI 1002H Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Structural Inequality, Shift Work, Sun Tanning

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Our personal power [proximal] is relative to social conditions and institutional forces. [distal: students vs teachers, indg peoples vs oil industry. Status gives identity and power: desirability, influence, stigma, isolation. Dialectical: change in an area or interrelated way. Change is quantitative, then qualitative [you have to have a bunch of people to make a statement: airport protests against muslim travel ban, women"s march. Values of nationalism and ethnocentrism [believing your culture and belief system is the best and the rest are not as good. This enables us to find a sense of belonging and to find who we are] reinforced via scientific method of eugenics: forcible sterilization act [alberta and bc] Eugenics as legal and medical practice that protected white middle class. Genetic inferiority as cause of social problems: lombroso"s atavistic man, herbert spencer: social darwinism. Social problems [crime, poverty, addictions] result of failed adaptation to social environment. Christianity and science dominant cultural norms and values.