NURS 2550H Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Human Microbiota, Prodrome, Arthropod

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1. What is the difference between infection and infectious disease? Infectious disease
disrupts normal functioning, alters your health in some way.
2. What is the role of the normal flora? Digests food, protects us from disease causing
microbes, blood clotting (vit. K absorption)
3. What is epidemiology? The study of disease and how diseases spread within population
4. What is the difference between incidence and prevalence? Incidence is the # of new
cases over a certain period, prevalence is the # of cases within a population regardless
of when they first appeared.
5. When is the incidence rate higher than the prevalence rate? When fatality rate
increases and cure rate increases.
6. Define morbidity. Cases of illness in given time.
7. Define mortality. # of deaths
8. Define endemic. Constant presence in a population.
9. Define epidemic. Increase # of cases in geographical clusters.
10. Define pandemics. More than one continent or worldwide.
11. What dose ID50 stand for? Infectious dose in 50% of population.
12. What are the 4 types of human carriers? Asymptomatic/subclinical, incubation carriers,
convalescent carriers (already had the disease but can still spread during recovery and
after), chronic.
13. What is vector transmission? Insect (arthropod).
14. What is vehicle transmission? Airborne, waterborne, foodborne, body fluids.
15. What is an endogenous infection? Source of patient’s flora existing within the body.
16. What is an exogenous infection? Source outside body-person, animal, or environment.
17. What is a systemic pattern of infection? Spreads to several sites and different body
fluids (in circulatory system).
18. Local vs focal patterns of infection: local is a pathogen that remains confined to specific
place, focal breaks loose and spreads from localized site to other tissues.
19. What is the prodromal period? General symptoms.
20. Incubation period: exposure to 1st developing symptoms, when the bacteria is spread
during incubation period it is challenging to cure.
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