CAST 1101H Study Guide - Final Guide: Fiscal Conservatism, Blood Donation, Charter Of The French Language

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Unit 1: capitalist canada (week 2-5, sept. 26th- oct. 10th) Understanding capitalism requires that we look at all sides of capitalist canada, this includes workers, non-workers, and those who fall outside the boundaries of the capitalist system. Class: an individual or group relaionship to the means of producion. Idea of historical agency: the capacity of individuals to act independently or to make their own free choices. Enlightenment thinking: growing importance of the individual. End of the era of divine monarchy: individuals become autonomous in society. John locke: people are enitled to resist unjust authority where the power vested in the government is abused. Natural rights: rights are something you are born with. Legal rights: the law gives us our rights. The rule of law: the government owes its ciizens protecions and privileges. Wage labour became dominant form of work, excluding domesic and bonded. Gender divide, men worked women didn"t; divisions between workers.