BIOL 2110H Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Shoulder Girdle, Skull, Branchial Arch

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O notochord, cartilaginous skeleton: anadromous (live in ocean as adult, returns to river for spawning) Broken into two groups: elasmobranchii (sharks, skates, rays) Pectoral fins fused to head {rays: holocephali (chimaeras) Upper jaw fused to braincase; fleshy operculum. Broken into two groups: actinopterygii (ray-finned fish) Chondrostei (paddlefish, sturgeon, african bichirs: cartilaginous skeleton, heterocercal tail, modified jaws, spiracles. Neopterygii (teleosts: evolutionary changes to skull, notochord replaced with ossified vertebrae, homocercal tail, swim bladder, lack spiracles, modified fins. Fins supported by radial pterygiophores (bones or cartilage); single dorsal fin; tribasic fin with 3 basal pterygiophores: sarcopterygii (fleshy-finned fish) Dipnoi (lungfish: swim bladder filled with fat, 3 lobed tail, intercranial joint, rostral organ, large fleshy limbs, fleshy limbs, adapt to hypoxia, poorly ossified, estivate (slow activity during hot, dry summer months) Fleshy pectoral and pelvic fins; monobasic limbs with humerus and femur bones.