[BIOL 2000H] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (22 pages long!)

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28 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Biol 2000 lecture 1 introduction and scientific method. How to collect and analyze biological data. Ways to present biological information using this perspective. Learn how to generate and analyze biological information. Learning to describe the world in ways it hasn"t been described before. Science will be treated as a process that describes and explains phenomena in the natural world: if true; we can break down the process and study it. The observation has to answer a descriptive question. What is observed depends on how careful you are, your technological abilities, and what you"re looking for. Step 2: explain why you saw what you did. Focus on the why: causal questions are the most useful, causal questions arise from differences and variation. Ability to answer depends on your knowledge, skill, creativity, and persistence. Stoichiometry: mass must be conserved: matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed. Make sure your evidence is solid and correct.