BIOL 1050H- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 98 pages long!)

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Lateral from the mid line to the outside. Divides left to right along medial line. Across the body/organ perpendicular to its long axis. Two major regions: axial, head, neck (cervical), trunk, trunk: thoracic and abdominal regions, appendicular, appendages (arms, legs) Smaller areas within these two major regions: head cephalic, shoulders acromial, knees patellar, foot pedal, eyes, ears, mouth, nose - facial. Upper limbs: brachial (arms, antebrachial (forearm, carpal (wrist, manual (hand, digits (fingers) Lower limbs: femoral (thigh, crural (leg, tarsal (ankle, pedal (foot, digits (toes. Abdominal regions is broken up into four quadrants. Hypogastric left and right lumbar left and right inguinal. Each body cavity is lined with a membrane and contains viscera (internal organs) Serous membrane (serosa): pleurae, pericardium, peritoneum: secretes lubricating film of moisture. The thoracic cavity is divided by the mediastinum between the lungs at the base of the neck to the diaphragm.