[ADMN 1000H] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 30 pages long Study Guide!

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Contexts of work, careers, and business 1/16/2017 6:59:00 pm. Topic: within career planning area, some specific focused area of your choosing, relating to your chosen setting. Your setting: your own thoughts about your personal/professional future. The focus is using research to suggest ideas to improve performance/outcomes. Final product research paper is a report-to-articulateself using research to frame some kind of renewed reconceptualized or redirected course of action in terms of your own career thinking, planning , acting. Proposal: a summary of your present thoughts on your career- directions, steps, approach, outcomes, including major questions/unkowns. Research: career planning related/narrowed concept that you will focus on to develop your career thinking one para, annotated resources 3-4 good sources research-based sources check powerpoint. What is admn 1000 about: deframing making the familiar much less familiar, pluralism. Explaining how or why things happen: etymology. The origin history, evolution of words and practices.