SA 150 Study Guide - Final Guide: False Consciousness, Abrahamic Religions, Tied Aid

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Relaionship b/w spirits and ppl more in line w/ egalitarian relaionships b/w humans. Social darwinist: primiive ppl had pesky spirits; barbarians had nasty and impotent (power-/helpless) gods only civilized ppl had supreme ruler (survival of the itest) Anglican in can income likely higher than catholic/bapist/pentecostal: protestant (work) ethic (max weber): religion (or protestanism) used to explain rise of modern capitalism. Predesined elect who would be saved during 2nd coming of christ. Person demonstrated membership by achieving material success through hard work this encouraged ppl to accumulate wealth. Hegemony (leadership/dominance esp. by one country or social group over others) serves ruling class interest by prevening working class form organized around their own self-interests to challenge the inherently inequality of class-based society. Profane objects that are mundane/don"t mean anything (not negaive, simply everyday things) War refugees increased # for some religions. Young ppl (teens to early 20s) less religious than older ppl: cohort dif.