[SA 150] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 27 pages long Study Guide!

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Document Summary

The systematic study of social behaviour and human groups as well as the relationship between the individual and the society. Focuses on social relationships, how others influence our behaviour; how major social institutions like government, religion, economy affects us; and how ourselves affect other individuals, groups and organizations. E. g. during an election, you affect society by voting. Sociologists notice social patterns: our personal experiences are affected by our class, ethnicity, gender, age, and sexual orientation. Social perspective: the unique way sociologists see our world and analyze the dynamic relations between individuals and the larger social network. An awareness of the relationship between an individual and the society. This awareness allows all of us to comprehend the links between our immediate personal settings and the remote social world that surrounds us and shapes us. Involves stepping outside your own condition and looking at yourself from a new perspective seeing yourself as a product of your family, income level, race and gender.