SA 101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Endogamy, Female Genital Mutilation, Skeena River

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Sa101 quiz review - weeks 1-10: kenny & smillie study and discussion questions. Out line the ethical implications of this difference: define the term native anthropologist. Outline the origins of this term and the limitations it places on so called native researchers: describe the concepts of unity and diversity and use examples to explain how they can coexist within the same context. Discuss how relativism influences the ethics of anthropology. Consider recent current events that might cause you, the researcher, to question the appropriateness of cultural relativism. If there are moral absolutes, when should anthropologists become activists: fernea gained access to a segment of the community closed to her husband, the trained anthropologist, by nature of belonging to a particular category: women, more specifically, wives. Week 3 / chapter 2: life in the field: compare and contrast the british and the american schools of anthropology using examples from the work of.