[REM 100] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 52 pages long Study Guide!

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Global change human induced transformation of the global environment. Environment - the complete range of external conditions, physical and biotic, in which an organism lives, including soil, water, climate and food supply. It includes social, cultural, and (for humans) economic and political considerations. Hu(cid:373)a(cid:374)s ha(cid:448)e (cid:373)odified (cid:373)o(cid:396)e tha(cid:374) 5(cid:1004)% of ea(cid:396)th(cid:859)s la(cid:374)d su(cid:396)fa(cid:272)e. The problem has global or large-scale regional effects. It exposes the inter-dependence between countries and regions. It cannot be solved by any one country acting alone. Its solution challenges the status quo in world order and global ins+tu+ons. Interdisciplinary: combining or involving 2 or more academic disciplines/fields of study. Earth science, ecology, economics, political science, social sciences, philosophy. Many global issues are linked to each other in terms of cause and effect. Many of the bad things (global issues) were at low levels long ago, but have exponentially increased in recent years. Water pollution: point/non-point sources; oil spills, eutrophication (reduced use of fertilizers)