PSYC 385 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Allele Frequency, Evolutionary Psychology, Molecular Evolution

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Hierarchical organization two species that are similar in the details of system a tend also to be similar in the details of system b: the amount of commonalities become less and the amount of divergence greater. Gradual modification the descendants of the ancestral form, each altering slightly over the generations, have split and split again, giving rise to many distinct branches on the tree of life. Phylogeny a diagram showing the family tree or pattern of ancestral relationships between several different species. Vestegial structures anatomical testament to the creature"s evolutionary history; gradual reduction of a part, eventually leading to disappearance, which is now functionless. Homologies similarities stemming from common origin due to similar ways of adaptation to a particular environment: same structure, different function. Gregor mendel according to him, each parent provides the offspring with a set of heredity particles (genes); may be passed on discretely over generations.