PSYC 371 Midterm: Midterm2Notes.docx

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3 waves of cbt: behavioral, behavior + cognition, mindfulness and acceptance. 4 kinds of mindfulness & acceptance based therapies: mindfulness based stress reduction (mbsr, mindfulness based cognitive therapy for depression (mbct, acceptance & commitment therapy (act, dialectical behavior therapy (dbt) Talks about the 3rd wave of cbt approaches -> mindfulness & acceptance. Act -> attempt to deal with issue of cognitions -> phenomena that behaviourism struggled to address. Therapists operate within context of clients actions -> can only change those actions by changing the context they occur in. Pushing too hard for change can lead to clients feeling invalidated. Especially if they have been trying to change for a long time. Traditional cbt works on changing, modifying & eliminating problematic thoughts & behaviors. Acceptance based treatment worked on approaching spending time, and leaning into problematic thoughts & feelings. Seeing thoughts, emotions, actions, urges, sensations, etc in a new way.