PSYC 354 Midterm: Questions 1-11

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What constraints have been proposed, and how could these constraints help young children in the process of learning a language? (use examples). 2: negative and positive evidence bring up important questions for theories because if children are not receiving explicit correct but are still able to learn language then this must not be important for language learning. It is important to analyze what types of input in important for language development. Consider and evaluate evidence and arguments on each side of this debate. Language is not innate: tomasello, children can find patterns in the input they hear in order to learn the rules of language, children use other abilities to help them learn language (gaze following, joint attention) 3: by 8 years-old, children understand that both people can be right in these types of situations. Discuss the relations between the social interaction children experience and language in particular, and the development of their social understanding.