PSYC 354 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Psych, Environmental Factor, Lev Vygotsky

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Document Summary

Assumes that there are cognitive structures that already exist within the individual that drive development. Assumes that the individual is an outcome of the interaction they have. The infant passively acquires a copy of the world around them. Individualist because it assumes the individual already has the cognitive structures in place. The claim that children are born with knowledge. Individualist because it assumes pre- existing cognitive structures. Knowledge is constructed through interaction with the world. Systems because cognitive structures develop through interaction with the environment. assumes that genetic activity causes behaviour. Assumes that genetics and environment both influence each other. The set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction between gene and environment. (how the gene is actually expressed) the limits that the genotype imposes on the phenotype. Cognitive structures for processing, organizing and interpreting information. When new information is altered in order to fit an existing scheme. Changing a scheme in order to fit new information.