PSYC 354 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Intuitionism

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When piaget did his research, this was the debate at the time: context of development, not all relationships we have with others are equal, relationship of constraint: people in power do not have to explain their views. Can learn what is right and wrong but not why: relationship of. We want to be around others, so we have to treat them a certain way. They are our equals, so we have to cooperate otherwise they"ll leave. Concerned with why people make certain decisions in moral dilemmas. Kolhberg argued against: socialization (like piaget"s constraint relationships) Authority figures telling us what we are and aren"t supposed to do. Doesn"t explain the origins of moral norms. The idea that in order for us to develop morality, we have to understand our own sense of right and wrong. Authority figures help us figure out what we believe by asking us about our reasons. How are societal standards created: character education (bag of virtues)