PSYC 308 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Psych, Reductionism, Edward B. Titchener

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There are many ways in which errors and misunderstandings can creep into accounts of events, ideas, and/or people in the history of psychology. Discuss two kinds of errors that can be made in historical research and writing. Also give two examples of each kind of error based on what you have learned and understood up to this point in psychology 308. Selection is inevitable, must select events to focus on and report as well as sources used to derive info from (must be critical and attempt to balance multiple accounts, and consider alternative view points) Example 2: james"s theory of emotion was misinterpreted by contemporaries -> > one passage was selected and interpreted a certain way, which then effected how people interpreted his entire theory of emotion. Compare and contrast the contributions to psychology of wilhelm wundt and william james, often considered to be the two fathers of psychology as an independent academic discipline.