PSYC 280 Study Guide - Final Guide: Primary Olfactory Cortex, Lamellar Corpuscle, Supplementary Motor Area

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The primary motor cortex initiates the main commands for an action. The nonprimary motor cortices provide additional source of motor commands, The four are pacinian corpuscles, meissner"s corpuscles, merkel"s discs, and acting indirectly through the primary cortex and through direct connections to. Pacinian corpuscles respond to vibration and pressure, so if lower levels of motor hierarchy. The cerebellum and basal ganglia modulate the you were encoding braille, they would provide information about the texture of activities of these control systems and route some contributes via the thalamus the paper. Ruffini"s endings respond to skin stretch so they respond as the skin is stretched while passing over the dots, but because: describe the neural circuitry implicated in the processing of fear. Spatial-frequency filters are used to modify the image by selectively suppressing or separating certain spatial- frequency ranges because for each session of visual space there are neurons that are sensitive to a different frequency.