PSYC 250 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sex Organ, Sex Assignment, Emotion Classification

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Functions of families: ensure the survival of offspring, provide children with skills to be economically productive adults, and provide cultural training. Family dynamics: how a family operates as a whole, determines how well a family will fulfill its child- rearing role. Social support: amount of support influences how parents raise their children. More support = parents have access to many resources which will result in less stress on the family dynamic. Age of children: different ages of children result in different behavioural outputs which has effect on the dynamics through direct and indirect influence. Effect of gradual/abrupt changes of relationships: changes such as divorce, or siblings that gradually start to get along better changes the dynamic due to the impact a different relationship status has on family. It creates diverse opportunities for families to function and understand each other. 3 (cid:449)ays pare(cid:374)ts i(cid:374)flue(cid:374)(cid:272)e their kid"s de(cid:448)elop(cid:373)e(cid:374)t through socialization: