PSYC 210 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Squared Deviations From The Mean

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= x1 + x2 + x3 + + xn. I = 1 lower limit of the summation. Summary of the constant: the sum of k occurrences of constant c, k = # of constants; k times the constant o. = c + c + c + + c. = kc: this is just simple multiplication but they"re trying to make it look complicated. Summing cx: the sum of the k products, where each product is obtained by multiplying a constant by the score o on the variable =equals= the constant times the sum of the variable. = cx1 + cx2 + + cxk. = c (x1 + x2 + + xk) Distributive laws over addition & subtraction the summation operator can be distributed across variables or constants when they are added or subtracted from one another. Sum of products not generally equal to product of sums.