PSYC 201W Study Guide - Final Guide: Logical Positivism, Behavioural Sciences, Vocab (Song)

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A reasoning process that involves going from the specific to the general. A reasoning process that involves going from the general to the specific. The process of testing a predicted relationship or hypothesis by making observations and then comparing the observed facts with the hypothesis or predicted relationship. a philosophical approach that focused on verifying hypothesis as the key criterion of science. A deductive approach to science that focuses on falsifying hypotheses as a key criterion of science. A hypothesis cannot be tested in isolation from another hypothesis. We make a lot of assumptions when we are testing hypotheses. Position popular in behavioural science stating that science should justify its practices according to how well they work rather than according to philosophical arguments. A theory can never be proven 100% true. The period in which scientific activity is governed and directed by a single paradigm. A framework of thought or belief by which reality is interpreted.