PSYC 201W Study Guide - Final Guide: Statistical Conclusion Validity, Confounding, Dependent And Independent Variables

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Validity of the inference make about whether the independent and dependent variable co- vary. The observed relationship is probably not due to chance. Validity of the inference about the higher- order constructs from the operations used to represent them. Participants think about what is happening to them so they act differently. Any of the cues available in an experiment such as instructions, rumors, or setting characteristics that influence the responses of the participant. Participant"s motivation to respond so that they present themselves in a positive manner. Actions and characteristics of researchers that influence the responses of participants. Biasing experimenter effects attributable to the researcher"s expectations about the outcome of the experiment. Biasing experimenter effects attributable to the physical and psychological characteristics of the researcher. If a construct is not adequately explained and analyzed, it can lead to a set of operations that do not represent the construct adequately. The operations used in a study represent more than one construct.