PSYC 106 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Psych, Reward System, Reinforcement

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Phone use: discuss how common mobile phone use is, inclusive of activities such as texting. What are the implications of overuse. average millennial sends/receives about 128 per day we overuse because we almost have an addiction and feel the need to connect. Children need face to face interactions and if their parents are always on their phone, you don"t get that from an every day life. 90% of american kids have a modern ability to use tablet. There are 3-4 year old that are already addicted, theyre not being smart or anything or panicky, but these are kids who cant get off their devices, so it"s a growing issue. What do kids really need for development, they need experience, real emotional experience. They don"t get that with pooking abc on ipaad. Saying it to someone"s back is not the same as saying to someone"s face.