PSYC 102- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 49 pages long!)

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Nativism - philosophical view that certain kinds of knowledge are innate or inborn. Philosophical empiricism- the view that all knowledge is acquired through experiences. Phrenology - a defunct theory that speci c mental abilities and characteristics, ranging from memory to the capacity for happiness, are localized in speci c regions of the brain. Physiology - study of biological processes, especially in the human body. Reaction time - amount of time taken to respond to a speci c stimulus. Consciousness - person"s subjective experiences of the world and the mind. Structuralism - analysis of the basic elements that constitute the mind. Introspection - subjective observation of one"s own experiences. Functionalism - study of the purpose mental processes serve in enabling people to adapt to their environment. Natural selection - the features of an organism that help it survive and reproduce are more likely than other features to be passed on to subsequent generations.