POL 101W- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 30 pages long!)

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Justice: let"s settle on this for now: activity related to influencing, making or implementing collective decisions for a political community. Ignores issues we care about: boring, stultifying debates, shallow, banal, insulting discussion of the issues, all style, little substance, aren"t they all corrupt, anyway? , don"t they just help their rich friends? , i"ve got more exciting things to do! . Political science governance: yes, good government results in people doing well (e. g. : sweden), bad government: north korea, and our discipline aims to determine what the laws of good governance are through, empirical analysis, normative analysis, policy analysis. It seems to name a very fundamental relationship between persons. It is often a means to an end (and an end too!: we wand political power to be legitimate. Dahl"s concept of power: a has power over b to the extent that a can get b to do something that b would otherwise not do, but for a"s influence.