PHIL 120W Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Divine Command Theory

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Two basic claims: a god or gods approve of or command certain actions, the actions that the god or gods approve of or command are morally right because of this approval or command. Premise: god"s command makes an action right: we get our morals from god who created the universe. Two main arguments: the theory does not stipulate which god. Throughout history and today people have worshipped many different gods and goddesses, and some of them are very incompatible with others. For example, christians and muslims believe in one god, while ancient. The god in the old testament is often jealous and vengeful; it teaches us. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. The god in the new testament is generally benevolent and forgiving; it teaches us to turn the other cheek. Supposed she settles on the new testament, the problem will be accuracy.