MBB 222 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lone Pair, Protein Folding, Dna Replication

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Midterm 1 learning objectives part 4: hydrogen bond, electrostatic interaction, van der waals interaction (incl. base stacking, hydrophobic interaction. The two strands are held together by hydrogen bonds between the base pairs ( ) as well as by base stacking both are non-covalent interactions. Weak chemical interactions (i. e. , non-covalent bonds) stabilize the fold of proteins, hold. Are crucial for most cellular processes e. g. , dna replication, protein folding, protein- protein interactions. Weak bonds, transient interactions allow for very dynamic systems. Hydrogen bonds: between an h atom covalently attached to an electronegative atom (a hydrogen bond donor, usually o or n) and a second electronegative atom that serves as h bond acceptor (also usually o or n). The h-bond forms between the hydrogen atom on the donor and the lone electron pair on the acceptor. Understand the 4 non-covalent interactions discussed in the lecture with examples of where each of these occur (ie. the role of the different interactions in macromolecules)