MATH 100 Exam Solutions Fall 2018: The Roots, Cyan, Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research

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12 Oct 2018

Document Summary

1. do not open this exam until instructed to do so. page 2 to page 6. numbered. 2. ensure that you have 5 pages of questions. 3. no calculators, notes or books are allowed. all final expressions. 5. for full marks, show au steps leading to your f"mal answer. 3 on the back of the previous page if. 1. a) (3 marks) draw a careful graph of the function: y = - x + 4 + 3. T- b)(2 marks) state the domain and range of the function. A (-3,4) and b (5,1) as shown on the graph: Page 3 i _, -: -; -;- ___ --:--------------- - a)( i mark) determine the co-ordinates of the midpoint of ab. ) "2-) (-3+5 "-bj -= ( \ 5 \ b)(1 mark) determine the slope of ab g c)(1 mark) determine the equation. B _ ( ) of the line containing.