LING 221- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 16 pages long!)

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Chapter 1: vo(cid:272)al tra(cid:272)t"s (cid:272)urre(cid:374)t a(cid:374)ato(cid:373)y a(cid:271)out 50,000-100,000 years old, anatomy: how it would look if it were dissected, physiology: how the components of the anatomy work together to make something functional. X-ray: most early technology, harmful to subject, not the best image of tongue (fixed by swallowing a lead chain) Ultrasound: not harmful to the subject, not the best resolution, you can only look at the tongue. Inside: vocalis muscle: vestibular folds: above the vocal folds (false vocal folds not used in speech, thyroid cartilage: above trachea. Connects to vocal folds in the front: arytenoid cartilage: above trachea. Can be broken down into smaller components and rearranged into an infinite number of messages. Unambiguous (one-to-one correspondence between sounds and symbols) Marked=not the default case (something is changed) Voiced and voiceless= to do with vocal fold vibration. Aspiration: extra puff of air at the end of a voiceless sound.