HSCI 304- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 89 pages long!)

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Perspectives on human health and environment: aspects of human health determined by physical, chemical, biological, social, and psychosocial factors in the environment. A brief history of environmental health science. Initially attributed to an influenza epidemic: 3,000 excess deaths in three weeks, 12,000 excess deaths over the next three months, high so2 concentrations = high mortality rate, minimata, a plastics company in minimata, japan discharged inorganic mercury into. In 1973, people in the us were asked if they would accept a hazardous waste facility within 5 miles of their home: 60% said yes, 7 years later, only 20% said yes (because of the change in. % attributable to environmental / occupational risks. 45% (2015): ischemic heart disease, stroke, lri, copd, lung cancer. How can environmental risks have such big impacts on public health: large populations are exposed, some risks are very prevalent or even ubiquitous, these risks contribute to very common diseases and causes of death.