HIST 254 Study Guide - Genghis Khan, Yuan Dynasty, Semu

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Was the mongol rule a disaster for china: view of mongols as barbarians ugly, brutal, fierce, seen with terror. Weakness of song: flourishing culture and economy but bad military, this works until they come against a strong enemy. Mongol society and rule: travelled in grasslands living in tents, self sufficient economy of sheep, global cooling means not enough food for sheep so they turn to trade and plundering. In war time, supporters pledge total loyalty to khan in return for treasure. Chinggis khan (1162 -1227: first to unite mongols, so effective because he moved quickly and had tactics, and technology. Each soldier had 2-3 horses and put dummies on them to make the army appear bigger. Iron straps so they could shoot on the move. Lances: their goal was to force enemies to surrender without fighting. Sent envoys to cities with choice between giving them money and treasure or being killed.