EDUC 426 Study Guide - Final Guide: Personalized Learning, Conduct Disorder, Anxiety Disorder

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4 Oct 2018

Document Summary

Needs may include physical accommodations, behavioural interventions, specialized technology, particular learning strategies, and modi ed curricula. Term used interchangeably with disability, special needs, . Refers to educational services provided to children and youth with exceptionalities. Includes specially designed instruction, supplementary aids and services , related services and early intervention. If the education is properly differentiated, more and more of these children will reach their full potential. Describes the principle that all students are entitled to equitable access to learning, achievement and the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of their education. In this approach, students with special needs spend all, or most of the school day with students who do not have special needs. *adaptations (used as a broader term for both accommodations and modi cations) Teaching and assessment strategies especially designed to accommodate a student"s needs so he to she can achieve the learning outcomes of the curriculum and demonstrate mastery of concepts.