EDUC 220 Study Guide - Final Guide: Explicit Memory, Observational Learning, Procedural Memory

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Sensory memory system that holds sensory information very briefly (transforms stimuli into information so we can make sense of them) Working memory information that you are focusing on at a given moment. New information temporarily help and combined with knowledge from long term memory to solve problems or comprehend a lecture. Working bench of memory mental effort applied to both new and old information. Short- term memory- is a part of working memory but is distinct as it is just a storage whereas the working memory is more active integrating knowledge from past and present. Holds information for about 20 seconds. (temporary storage for immediate information) Early studies showed that 5-9 bits of information could be stored here however this can be overcome by using mnemonics or techniques such as chunking. Central executive supervises attention, makes plans and decides what information to retrieve and how to allocate resources.