[CRIM 135] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (56 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Law can reflect majority or minority values. Sets standards of behaviour that"s internationally recognized. Law sets out legal process we follow. Sets out frame work for political/ legal system. Protect and promote core values of society. Public interest: law gives us structure and order. Prohibits behaviour damage to people and property. Results in police being called (paid by taxes) Then prosecute by crown prosecutors (paid by taxes) Have a collective response when it occurs. Crime against one is a crime against all (public interest) Law that regulates behaviour and government agencies towards its citizens. Allows government to provide services to public"s demand tax= public services. If dispute arises only concerns those who are directly involved. Contract is an agreement that is legally binding and enforcible in some way. To enter a contract must have legal capacity. They are everyday part of our lives. Company offer service (agree to pay the monthly fees)