CRIM 131 : Crim 101 The Changing Face of the Legal Profession

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Arthur states that there"s an emerging change not only in legal education but in our perceptions of law + realities of legal practice. About 60 years ago, there was no formal university law education in. Law students trained with professional lawyers/wrote some exams = earned their admission to the bar test. Until ww2: legal education consisted of: practical training in law offices + attending part-time basis lectures by practicing lawyers. Direction of curriculum was heavily influenced by desire to teach knowledge quickly. 1949 - debate over legal education in ontario. One side: legal academics argued that academic views/values were not adequately dealt with by law school curriculum. One side: law teachers supporting existing curriculum - aimed to train practitioners + setting out statute/case law + rules of procedures (referring little to theoretical questions of jurisprudence/legal philosophy/social + economic + political context of law.