CRIM 103 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Social Rejection, Hypertelorism, Smoking And Pregnancy

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Document Summary

Crim 103 - lecture 1 - developmental risk factors for crime. Intentional behavior in violation of criminal code. Intentional - not accidental/without justification of excuse. Mala in se - must feel empathetic. Prohibita - behaviors violating social & cultural values. Typically applied to adolescent (12-17 years) of behavior. Alcohol use = antisocial behavior for adolescents, not adults. Crime legally defined, antisocial behavior socially defined. Arrest, charge, conviction, unified crime report (ucr) Some forms take only serious crime, other forms less serious crimes b/c of plea bargaining, first degree murder could drop to second. If multiple crimes committed, only most serious would be taken into consideration. Does not show how many crimes individual committed. Means when looking at official statistics, only criminals coming into contact with criminal justice system included, does not necessarily show all crime shown. When trying to understand individuals, biased picture of criminals will occur. Ask participants to report about crime/antisocial behavior involved in.