CRIM 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Actus Reus, Mens Rea, Minority Group

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Media focus primarily on violent crimes, even though such crimes form only a small part of all criminal activity. Felson"s 10 fallacies about crime: the dramatic fallacy, the cops and courts fallacy, the not-me fallacy, the innocent youth fallacy, the ingenuity fallacy. Those who are diff (e. g. , criminals) are deemed to be abnormal. Society and social transformation rooted in social conflict. Society not organic or natural, but forced upon us. Society laws based on values and interests of those with the power. Criminal event theory says crimes should be view as social events. Most offenders are young males (more that 75% in some offence categories: aged 15-24, lower socioeconomic status, minority group (e. g. , african american and aboriginal, unemployed / temporarily unemployed. 12-17 age group represented only 8% of population, while accounting for ~33% of all crime. Individuals most likely to be victimized are young, single (relationship) males, 15-24 years of age, who are poor, and/or from ethnic minorities.