[CMNS 321] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (40 pages long!)

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C mns 321 lecture notes week 1. The s tudy o f p o p ular mus ic : fr o m p e r s o nal tas te to c o lle c tive. E x p e r ie nc e. Often times, popular music is though of as itself a genre by attractive teens or 20-somethings: the idea of (cid:498)pop music(cid:499) s that it"s comprised of catchy, 3 minute tunes, sung, but it"s more than just that . Often upbeat, danceable, include themes that resonate with youthful audiences. Tv, internet, and through dedicated audio media (cds, lps, etc. ) This view is not only elitist and ethnocentric, but it is also illogical. At first, pop music captured the attention from academics working in the discipline. By the late 1960s and into the 1970s, english literature departments became interested in popular music: researchers analyzed the work of folk singers such as bob dylan and pete.