CMNS 260 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Common Sense Media, Scientific Community, Common Rule

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Cmns 260 quiz 1 notes. Lecture 1 introduction to scientific inquiry. Social research spring- cleaning for knowledge. Non- scientific ways of knowing and issues. Research has the potential to inform and misinform. Learn to read other people"s research and critically evaluate it. Learn ways to find your own data" to answer your own questions. Acquire skills potential employers seek. Self- defense and responsible citizenship in contemporary life. Even well- done research is not always used accurately. Some research is technically flawed. Knowledge of methods is an important tool. Authority (parents, teachers, religious leaders, media gurus) Social research involves thinking scientifically about questions bout the social world and following scientific processes". Universalism: research judged on scientific merit. Unorganized skepticism: challenge and question research. Disinterest: openness to new ideas, non- partisan. Communalism: sharing with others. Questions to ask about research: integration, funtional coordination, consensus, need satisfaction. The research wheel steps in the research process.