CMNS 260 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Vagueness

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Lecture 5 qualitative interviews sampling and collection criteria. Get cases using referrals from one or a few cases and then referrals from those cases: sequential characteristics new information, deviant case. Types of information: characteristics, attitudes/beliefs/opinions, behavior (self and others, expectations, self classification, knowledge. Step 2 axial coding: organize all the codes created during open coding into a structure by separating them into major or minor levels and showing relations among the codes, second pass through the data, more of a focus on the open codes not the original data, review initial codes and create linkages between them. Unobtrusive measures (do not involve interaction of researcher with human subjects ): simple observation (includes uses of very new technologies), measures of erosion, measure of accretion, analysis of running records (data generated during activities but not specifically gathered for social research), (sometimes) content analysis (but content analysis can also be used for data collected using interactive methods)