CMNS 230 Midterm: cmns 230 midterm review INTRODUCTION

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Culture (hez): a whole way of life of a distinct people or social group. It is possible to argue that all industries are cultural industries in that they are involved in the production and consumption of culture. The clothes we wear, the food we consume, and the car we drive are all part of our culture and they are nearly all produced industrially, for profit. Culture industries (druik): cultural industries are defined by the type of product they make, the infrastructure and the political economy that underpin them. They tend to be defined to exclude the high arts, and be used interchangeably with the global corporate audio visual media. The right to culture: there is no rights to culture constitutionally in north america, but we do have rights to freedom of cultural expression, and a right to diversity of cultural expression (contested) Cultural industries (hes): are more than just entertainment, they are bearer of democratic rights.