CMNS 130 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Denis Mcquail, Mass Society, Moral Panic

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The process by which one mind can affect another (shannon and weaver, 1949) The means of sending military messages, orders, etc. , as by telephone, telegraph, radio, couriers (american college dictionary) A social process of exchange whose content is the measure or mark of a social relationship (vincent. To communicate is to carry over a thought, sentiment, perception, theory, order, belief, outlook, or more generally a message, from one or more persons to another or others. To communicate is to make common, either through space or across time (robert babe, 2000) Used positively ( the masses will rise up ) and negatively ( the ignorant masses ) 14th century: forming or gathering individual pieces together for the military and domestic economy. 15th century: referred as an amorphous quantity of material and as a kind of matter capable of being shaped . 17th century: referred as the generality of mankind; the main body of a race or nation .