CMNS 110 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Constitutive Equation, Communication Theory, Intentionality

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What is communication: communication process: the desire to understand communication, contemporary views of communication theory have emerged in communication discipline. Defining communication: communication is the process by which an individual (communicator) transmits stimuli (usually verbal) to modify, it is difficult to define. Communication and intention: defining communication involves intentionality, communication occurs when there is clear intent to (the blue jeans example, message perspective communicating to send a message, can be unconsciousness forms of communication. Moving beyond definitions: there is no single definition, two procedures: conceptual approaches + subdisplinary domains. Power of tech: tech is used by elite groups, those who have control over tech have power, benefits and deficits of tech aren"t distributed equally. Take over teachers jobs: their private matters are more accessible to powerful insitutions more easily tracked and controlled, people with demoncratic ethos benefits of tech should be spread evenly among entire population.