FPA 135- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 13 pages long!)

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Fpa. 135: intro to cinema - terminology (melanie cassidy, instructor) The fundamental means by which filmmakers maintain consistent screen direction, orienting the viewer and ensuring a sense of the cinematic space in which the action occurs. Additive color systems in early film-making, techniques used to add color to black-and-white images, including hand-coloring, stenciling, tinting, An omniscient-point-of-view shot that is taken from an aircraft or extremely high crane and implies that the observer can see all. (page 263) Sound that emanates from the ambience (background) of the setting or environment being filmed, either recorded during production or added during postproduction. Although it may incorporate other types of film sound -- dialogue, narration, sound effects, foley sounds, and music -- ambient sound does not include any unintentionally recorded noise made during production. (page 401) The degree of motion of air (or other medium) within a sound wave.