BUS 393 Study Guide - Final Guide: Contributory Negligence, Standard Form Contract, Product Liability

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~ harm caused by actions even when they are not intentional (inadvertent: due to: failure to live up to a degree of skill or care required. If a business creates a defective product due to error/oversight, the degree of skill/care is high. An accountant gives wrong advice will cause harm. Someone slips at the dance club, falls into you, and you are both injured. The wax on the dance floor was not dry enough. Summary: purchasing a tesla car and getting into an accident with self-driving technology: your side: you were sending an email, auto-pilot was turned on, tesla"s side: instructs customers to keep hands on the wheel at all times. Is this a driver error or company technology (since it"s gov"t approved: tesla didn"t do this intentionally, but it"s still negligence, negligence arguments (rules) Causation: the actions of tesla that lead to harm. Who else is responsible: the supply chain, the technology, etc, procedure and strategy.