BUS 237 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Business Process Management, Total Quality Management, Cash Register

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BUS 237 Full Course Notes
BUS 237 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Is: a group of components that interact to produce information. Is vs it: is adds people to the equation, or people incorporated vs raw computing: mis, development and use: evaluating and choosing this b. Is it worth the cost: business technology management (btm): incorporate business knowledge with it skills. a. Ict (information and communication technology): sector most closely related to is because it uses systems to network people across organizations/industries. a. i. Growing quickly and largest percentage of r&d in canada. a. ii. Revenue from service is growing faster than revenue from software b. Ictc (information and communications technology council): shows that mis skills are required in ict sector and across business industries. Ict user (businesses that use ict in operations) jobs with above average growth rates: b. ii. 1. More high skill jobs (better pay and job options) c. ii. Middle-class pay jobs are being replaced by technology c. iv. So this course will help us understand and adapt to changes.