BUS 201 Study Guide - Final Guide: Business Model Canvas, Monopolistic Competition, Quebecor

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Taking a case and looking at all aspects to make a solid recommendation. Look at finances (investments, capital), bank loans (look at character, capital, commitment, collateral, cash flow) marketing, competitors, market research, advertising, location, operations and hr, legalities. Business and profit, factors and production (physical labour, technological, natural resources, business and government interactions, Law of supply, demand, and market price (where demand meets supply) Perfect: no firms have control over price, many dif small firms with similar products. Oligopoly: few firms dominate, high barriers to entry, expensive to get into, do not compete on price. Car makers (equivalent quality across dif brands are fairly similar) Unfair to competitors, they can set their price where ever they want. Monopolistic competition: many sellers, product slightly differentiated, ex. Environment of business: boundaries, economics, ppp (purchasing power parity) Porters five forces: potential threats of new entrants, substitutions, competitions, suppliers, buyers. Ethics: ethical and legal, ethical and illegal, unethical and legal, unethical and illegal.