BUS 201 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Crisis Management, Itch, Procter & Gamble

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Chapter 3 online quiz: john is a salesperson who feels that he is not paid nearly enough money for the work that he does. He therefore pads his expense account in order to receive increased financial benefits. John"s behaviour would be seen as ethical according to which criterion: rights, justice, utility, caring, none of these, smooth is a bar soap for women that is produced by beautymax products. Smooth has recently been reformulated because previous product ingredients had become quite expensive. However, the reformulation has casued some major problems, as some 12 percent of the recent consumers have reported developing a rash accompanied by itching and peeling skin. The ceo of beautymax products is horrified by the negative publicity and wants immediate crisis management performed by the public relations department. The public relations department provides a list of strategic options for the ceo to deal with the bad publicity.