BPK 142- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 161 pages long!)

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5 lumbar vertebrae: each vertebra has two parts. 3: describe the functions of the patella. Female: larger, broader, oval opening, wider, bigger sub-pubic angle, more space between ischial tuberosities, ischial spines and between ischial spine and sacrum, larger sacral curvature and sciatic notch (100 more) Male: taller, narrower, more compact, heart-shaped opening (90 or less: compare the elbow joint and the knee joint in terms of structure and function. Elbow: uniaxial (hinge and pivot), cartilage and synovial membrane. Knee: uniaxial (hinge), largest joint, very stable from ligaments and tendons, meniscus cartilage (shock absorber), articulate cartilage (ends of femur and tibia: describe the four major curvatures of the vertebral column. Unit 2: human torso anatomy: k, f, f. 1: be able to identify the anatomical structures listed on pages 16-1 and 16-2 in the kinesiology 142 laboratory. Atria: chambers of the heart that receive blood from the veins and force it by muscular contraction into a ventricle; receptors of deoxygenated blood.